Mathematical Functions

Common functions

+ ( term0 term1 -- sum )  adds two numbers

- ( minuend subtrahend -- difference )  subtracts one number from another

* ( factor0 factor1 -- product )  multiplies two numbers

/ ( dividend divisor -- quotient )  divides one number by another

abs ( number0 -- number1 )  returns absolute value

mod ( dividend divisor -- remainder )  returns the remainder after division

neg ( number0 -- number1 )  returns negative of a number

rcp ( number -- reciprocal )  returns reciprocal of a number

Trigonometric functions

acos  ( number -- angle )  calculates arccosine in radians

asin  ( number -- angle )  calculates arcsine in radians

atan  ( number -- angle )  calculates arctangent in radians

atan2  ( y x -- angle )  calculates 2-argument arctangent in radians

cos ( angle -- number )  calculates cosine of an angle in radians

sin ( angle -- number )  calculates sine of an angle in radians

tan ( angle -- number )  calculates tangent of an angle in radians

Power functions

^ ( base exponent -- power )  raises a number to a given power

sqrt ( radicand -- root )  returns square root of a number

Rounding functions

ceil ( number0 -- number1 )  rounds up

floor ( number0 -- number1 )  rounds down

Exponential functions

exp ( base -- exponent )  calculates exponent

log ( antilogarithm -- logarithm )  calculates natural logarithm